
Evolution in Capital Markets: Digitalization of Assets

By 存管连接 Staff | 4 minute read | May 5, 2021

During the Digital Monetary Institute Symposium, “Money: Central Banks and Digital Currencies,——詹妮弗·佩夫, 存董事总经理, 业务创新, spoke about the role of digitization and blockchain in financial services and how these emerging technologies are shaping the future of financial institutions. 以下是她的讨论梗概:

Shaping the Industry with Emerging Technologies

“存 has been closely evaluating and engaging around blockchain, 标记, and other emerging technologies for several years,佩夫说。, noting that these technologies have several purposes and can drive efficiency in the capital markets ecosystem. “The ability to maximize value by enabling 数字资产 around tradable assets has opened up more opportunities.”

The adoption of emerging technologies and new business models can present innovative ways to solve challenges. There are many opportunities to think about bridging legacy and 数字资产, and 存 is exploring how to introduce these new technologies in a meaningful way, while ensuring complete operational confidence. 但, 正如佩夫所说, “when looking at changing an existing critical market infrastructure with interconnected pipelines and multiple stakeholders, it is critical that the modernization be as robust and resilient as existing applications.”

Emerging technologies can also be used to improve existing processes or define new ecosystems. Introducing these new technologies to certain use cases and business models, sometimes referred to as “bolt-on opportunities,” can present more efficient workflows that include the distribution of data and synchronization in a streamlined manner.

项目离子 is an example of how 存 is using new technology to tokenize and re-represent existing assets on the blockchain for accelerated settlement in a more efficient manner. Introducing new technologies to areas without a lot of infrastructure or with highly manual or fragmented solutions also presents interesting opportunities. 存的 项目惠特尼 looks to introduce technology and 标记 of assets to help solve pain points in the private markets space and bring stakeholders together in a platform for network effects.

“When looking at changing an existing critical market infrastructure with interconnected pipelines and multiple stakeholders, it is critical that the modernization be as robust and resilient as existing applications.”


The role of regulators will need to be adjusted to reflect the differences of 数字资产 from traditional assets.

Moad法赫米, 高级顾问, 金融技术, 百慕大金融管理局(BMA), noted regulators are categorizing 数字资产 by broad categories to ensure a higher level of legal certainty and providing the flexibility to adapt to different products. 首先评估平台, 然后是乘积, this type of regulation aligns with how companies are developing their infrastructures. 数字资产存在于价值链中, and the transactions may have many different layers, 包括交换, 发行人, 钱包提供者, 和托管人. By regulating the entire value chain, the consumer is afforded more protection.

“Financial institutions have an obligation to protect customer assets and ensure the soundness of markets,佩夫评论道。. 同时, there is a realization across the industry that many firms are looking at the crypto space, and that imminent changes are present.

随着公司关注加密货币, 不可替代令牌(nft), 数字资产, 遗留业务, there will be a convergence as firms decide to be disruptors or innovators. 然而, the financial industry still needs to protect mainstream investors while providing greater access to new and different products.

Future of Digitization on Capital Markets

NFTs are capturing a tremendous amount of attention as they transition traditional business models into digital representations. The popularity of these instruments is drawing the attention of retail investors, and financial institutions and regulators will need to consider how this momentum adds to new business models when researching newer opportunities.

Steve Kokinos, Algorand公司首席执行官., stated changes are already in place for the future of digital markets, 随着银行增加加密交易部门, 为客户保管加密资产, and hold bitcoin on their balance sheets. Traditional finance is blending with newer models and has more new entrants with a much higher dollar value than just a year ago.

展望未来, there will be new entrants and business models pushing the envelope and using technology in a more meaningful way. Monitoring the success of these models should provide a glimpse of the future for the financial industry. Peve得出结论, “存 is looking to use innovation in a more meaningful way and has tremendous enthusiasm about doing things in a different way to make lives and opportunities better.”

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